At its public debut, the Ribbon of Hope stretched 164 feet long and inspired crowds of participants at Detroit’s 2006 Race for the Cure. Created from a series of fabric panels, individually created then sewn together, the Ribbon is designed to offer those affected by breast cancer a new outlet for healing, remembrance, increasing awareness and providing support. The Ribbon of Hope Foundation continually accepts panel submissions to its on-going and ever-growing tribute to honor cancer survivors and those who have fallen to the disease. Anyone wishing to honor a woman impacted by breast cancer can submit a panel and take part in the legacy. There is absolutely no charge for inclusion Healing, Honoring and Extending Hope Current statistics confirm that almost one in every eight women will face the disease in her lifetime. However, we also know that breast cancer is 90% curable when caught early. Faced with this information, our foundation strives to be a source of support to survivors, a place of encouragement to those who are continuing in their fight and a core of strength to families who have lost a loved one. |